14 Best Defensive Volleyball Drills: Mastering Defense

Defensive volleyball drills are crucial for any player who wants to be a well-rounded player. It keeps the ball alive and can give your team an advantage over the other. It can be the difference between winning and losing a game. That’s why mastering defense is crucial for any volleyball player. And the good news is, it’s not just about natural talent or athleticism – defense is a skill that can be improved with practice and proper training. That’s where these 14 essential volleyball defense drills come in handy. 

These exercises will help you improve your reaction time, blocking skills, digging techniques, and overall defensive abilities.

Reaction Volleyball Defense Drills

Reaction drills are designed to help players react quickly and efficiently to different game situations. These defensive volleyball drills can be done alone or with a partner and are a great way to improve your defensive skills. It helps players develop quick reflexes and fast response times to defend against even the most challenging attacks.

Reaction Blocking-Defense:

This drill is all about quick reactions and developing your blocking skills. To perform this drill, stand in front of the net with a partner or coach on the other side. The partner or coach will toss the ball over the net, and you must react quickly to block the ball back over the net.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Stand in front of the net with a partner or coach on the other side.
  • The partner or coach tosses the ball over the net.
  • React quickly and block the ball back over the net.
  • Repeat for several repetitions.


This exercise helps you react quickly to balls hit low to the ground. To perform this drill, have a partner or coach toss or hit balls to you that are low to the ground. You must react quickly and be positioned to make the defensive play.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Have a partner or coach toss or hit balls to you that are low to the ground.
  • React quickly and get in a position to make the defensive play.
  • Practice for several repetitions.

Touch Ten:

This volleyball training drill is all about quick reactions and hand-eye coordination. To perform this drill, have a partner or coach stand on the other side of the net and toss the ball to you. You must touch the ball ten times before returning it over the net.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Have a partner or coach stand on the other side of the net and toss the ball to you.
  • Touch the ball ten times before returning it over the net.
  • Repeat for several repetitions.

Defensive Shuffle:

This training will help you improve your lateral movement and shuffle steps. To perform this drill, stand in a defensive position and shuffle your feet back and forth while a partner or coach tosses a ball to you. You must react quickly and move laterally to make the play.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Stand in a defensive position and shuffle your feet back and forth.
  • Have a partner or coach toss a ball to you.
  • React quickly and move laterally to make the play.
  • Repeat for several repetitions.

One-on-One Defense:

This exercise is all about improving your one-on-one defensive skills. To perform this drill, have a partner or coach hit the ball to you, and you must make the defensive play.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • Have a partner or coach hit the ball for you.
  • Make the defensive play.
  • Repeat for several repetitions.

By practicing these reaction drills, you can improve your reaction time, hand-eye coordination, lateral movement, and overall defensive skills on the court.

Blocking Volleyball Defense Drills

Blocking is not only about height but also about technique and timing. These defensive volleyball drills enables you to improve your blocking skills and help you become a better defender at the net.

The Wall:

This drill is excellent for improving your timing and footwork regarding blocking. You’ll need a partner or coach and a wall to perform this drill. 

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Stand facing the wall with your hands up in the blocking position.
  2. Have your partner or coach toss a ball at the wall.
  3. Jump and time your block to intercept the ball as it bounces back.
  4. Repeat for several repetitions.

Cover the Hitter:

This drill focuses on blocking and covering your hitter. To perform this drill, you’ll need a partner or coach, a hitter, and a blocker. The hitter will hit the ball, and you’ll need to block it while also covering them in case it hits the ball again.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Stand in the blocking position with a partner or coach as the hitter and blocker.
  2. The hitter hits the ball towards you, and you must block it.
  3. If the hitter hits the ball again, cover them to prevent it from hitting the ground.
  4. Repeat for several repetitions.

By practicing these blocking drills, you can improve your timing, technique, and overall blocking ability at the net.

Shadow Volleyball Defense Drill

The shadow drill is a great way to improve your footwork and defensive positioning. In this exercise, you will be shadowing your partner’s movements and practicing your defensive footwork without a ball being hit. This drill is perfect for developing muscle memory and improving your reaction time on the court.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Find a partner to work with.
  2. Stand facing each other on opposite sides of the net.
  3. Your partner will make random movements, such as jumping or shuffling their feet. You will follow their movements, mirroring them.
  4. Focus on keeping your feet moving and staying in a defensive position.
  5. As you become more comfortable with the movements, increase the speed and intensity of the drill.
  6. Switch roles with your partner and repeat the drill.

You can develop the muscle memory and reaction time necessary to be an effective defensive player.

Digging Defense Drills for Volleyball:

Digging involves diving to the ground to prevent the ball from hitting the court and scoring points for the opposing team. Digging defensive volleyball drills help players improve reflexes, speed, and agility to get to the ball in time.

Five-on-Five Dig or Die:

This intense five-on-five drill simulates game-like situations where players must dig the ball to keep the rally going. The goal of this drill is to dig or die, meaning players must do whatever it takes to keep the ball off the floor. 

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Divide the players into two teams of five.
  2. Start the game by serving the ball to one team.
  3. The team that receives the serve must dig the ball to keep the rally going.
  4. If a team fails to dig the ball, they lose the point, and the other team serves.
  5. Play until one team reaches a predetermined score or time limit.

Defensive Dig:

This drill will help you improve your defensive skills and footwork, body control, and reaction time.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. The coach or partner stands on a chair or box and hits or tosses balls to the player.
  2. The player must dig the ball and return it to the coach or partner.
  3. The coach or partner can hit or toss balls to different locations to make it more challenging.
  4. Repeat for several repetitions.

By practicing these digging drills, you can improve your ability to dig balls, making them an asset to your team. 

Perimeter Volleyball Defense Drills

Perimeter defense is crucial in volleyball. It’s not just about blocking at the net but also defending the areas around the court. That’s why it’s vital to include perimeter defensive volleyball drills in your training. Here are some defensive volleyball drills that can help you improve your skills on the court:

Perimeter Defense:

This drill will help you defend against attacks from all angles and cover more ground on the court.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Form a perimeter around the court with six players.
  • One player stands in the center of the court and hits the ball to any of the perimeter players.
  • Perimeter players defend against the attack and return the ball to the center player.
  • Repeat for several repetitions.

Deep Corner Defense:

This exercise focuses on defending deep corners of the court.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Have a coach or partner hit the ball to the deep corners of the court.
  2. Quickly move to make the defensive play.
  3. Repeat for several repetitions.

The Cross Court Chase:

This training will help you improve your lateral movement and chase down balls hit across the court. 

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Stand in a defensive position.
  2. Have a coach or partner hit the ball across the court.
  3. React quickly and move laterally to make the play.
  4. Repeat for several repetitions.

By practicing these perimeter defense drills, you can improve your defensive skills and be ready to defend against any attack. Remember to stay focused, move quickly, and communicate with your teammates for the best results.

Advanced Defensive Volleyball Drills

Alright, let’s talk about some advanced defensive volleyball drills. These drills are for serious players. It’s always a good idea to keep pushing yourself and your team to the next level. Advanced drills are a great way to challenge yourself and your team.

Three Spikers and One Digger: 

This training is designed to help you develop your defensive and offensive skills. It allows the digger to improve their reaction time, positioning, and ability to anticipate the direction of the hits.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Divide the players into three groups of spikers and one group of diggers.
  2. Have the spikers line up on one side of the net and the digger on the other.
  3. The spikers will take turns hitting the ball over the net, making it difficult for the digger to dig it.
  4. The digger will try to dig the ball back up in the air, and then the spikers will try to hit the ball again.
  5. After a set amount of time, switch the players around so everyone can play each position.

The Chaos: 

This drill is all about being able to handle unexpected situations and staying focused in high-pressure positions. In this drill, you’ll need to simulate a chaotic situation on the court. Remember, this fast-paced, high-energy drill will help you improve your communication skills and ability to react quickly to unexpected situations.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Divide the team into two groups, one as the attacking team and one as the defending team.
  2. The attacking team hits the ball at random spots on the court, creating difficult situations for the defenders.
  3. The defenders must adjust quickly and work together to get the ball up and make a successful play.
  4. The drill continues for a set amount or until several successful plays are made.

By now, you should better understand the essential defensive volleyball drills that can help you master defense. Remember, being a great defensive player is vital in volleyball. With determination and dedication, these drills help you improve your reaction time, blocking skills, digging ability, and general strategy. Don’t be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone.