How To Underhand Serve In Volleyball – 4 Easy Steps and Cues

If you’re new to volleyball or just starting, the underhand serve in volleyball is a great choice for you. One of the best things about the underhand serve is its ease of use. Not only is it simple to learn, but it also allows for a greater degree of control over where the ball goes. Plus, it’s a great way to place the ball in a specific spot on the opponent’s court, which can throw them off and give you an advantage.

What is an Underhand Serve in Volleyball

An underhand serve is a basic skill in volleyball where a player serves the ball with a closed fist by swinging their arm underhand below the waist. This type of serve is commonly used by beginners because it is very easy to learn and control. Unlike the overhand serve, which requires more skill and experience, the underhand serve can be executed with minimal errors.

How to Underhand Serve a Volleyball

Learning how to underhand serve in volleyball is very simple. While it may seem difficult at first, with a bit of practice and these simple steps, you will be serving like a pro in no time.

How to Stand

The first step is to get your stance right. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart while your non-dominant foot is slightly forward. This will help you maintain your balance and generate power when you serve.

How to hold the ball

Next, you need to get a good grip on the ball. Hold the ball in your non-dominant hand at waist level with your fingers spread wide. Use your dominant hand to support the ball from underneath. This will give you control over the ball during your serve.

How to swing

Now, it’s time to swing into action. As you prepare to serve, bring your dominant hand back while keeping your eyes on the ball. Then, swing your arm forward and hit the ball with your heel. Remember to aim for the center of the ball and follow through with your swing to maximize power and accuracy.

How to follow through

Lastly, it’s essential to follow through with your swing. After making contact with the ball, continue your swinging motion toward your target. This will help you generate more power and control over the ball.

Remember to keep your arm relaxed and loose throughout the underhand serve in volleyball to maintain a smooth and fluid motion.

Still do not know the basics then check out how to serve a volleyball.

Cues for Underhand Serve in Volleyball

Learning how to underhand serve in volleyball requires practice and attention to detail. Here are some essential cues to help you execute an effective underhand serve:

Keep your eye on the ball at all times

Firstly, keeping your eyes on the ball at all times is crucial. Focus on the ball from the moment it’s placed in your hand until you strike it. This will help you to better judge the distance, speed, and direction of the ball and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Keep your arm relaxed and loose

Secondly, it’s important to keep your arm relaxed and loose. Avoid tensing up, as this can result in a tight grip on the ball and restrict your range of motion. Instead, keep your arm relaxed and free of tension to allow for a full range of motion.

Swing your arm in a smooth, fluid motion

Thirdly, swing your arm in a smooth, fluid motion. Avoid jerking your arm or rushing the swing, as this can negatively impact your serve’s accuracy and control. A soft and fluid motion will allow you to generate more power and control in your serve.

Hit the ball with your fist, not your palm

Fourthly, hit the ball with your fist, not your palm. Using your fist provides a more solid and stable surface area, leading to a cleaner hit. Hitting with your palm can lead to a less accurate serve, as well as discomfort or even pain in your hand.

Follow through with your swing

Finally, follow through with your swing. After striking the ball with your fist, continue the motion of your arm in the direction of the ball’s intended target. This will help you generate more power and control, resulting in a better and more accurate serve.

Remember to practice these cues repeatedly until they become second nature. With practice, you can execute a perfect underhand serve every time.

You might also want to know how to jump serve in volleyball.

Underhand Serve in Volleyball Rules: 

Understanding the rules of the underhand serve is essential for every player. Here are the rules that you should follow while performing an underhand serve in volleyball:

  1. Firstly, the server must stand behind the end line and serve from anywhere along the end line. This means that you cannot step on or over the end line while serving the ball. You can take a step forward, but you cannot cross the line. 
  2. The server must not touch the net or any part of the opponent’s court while serving. Touching the net or crossing over to the opponent’s court while serving is considered a fault.
  3. Serve the ball so that it goes over the net and into the opponent’s court. If the ball falls short or goes out of bounds, it is considered a fault.
  4. If the server commits a fault, the other team gets a point: A fault is any violation of the rules, such as stepping over the end line, touching the net, or failing to get the ball over the net.

In conclusion, the underhand serve in volleyball is an important technique to learn. It is easy to perform and can be used to place the ball in a specific spot on the opponent’s court. By following the rules of the underhand serve and practicing regularly, you can improve your game and become a better player. You can also do these volleyball exercises at home to improve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an illegal serve in volleyball?

Any serve that fails to comply with the rules and regulations of the game is considered an illegal serve. This can include serving from an incorrect position, touching the net, or not getting the ball over the net and into the opponent’s court. 

Can you underhand serve in high school volleyball?

For those just starting out with volleyball, underhand serving is a great option. This is allowed in high school volleyball and is an excellent choice for beginners and youth players because it is easy to learn and control.

What are the keys when performing an underhand serve?

To perform an effective underhand serve, it is essential to keep some key points in mind. First, keep your eyes on the ball at all times to ensure proper contact. Next, keep your arm relaxed and loose to maintain control and accuracy. Swing your arm in a smooth, fluid motion to generate power and make contact with the ball using your fist. Finally, follow through with your swing.

Done with underhand serve! Then learn how to overhand serve in volleyball.