How To Dive in Volleyball – 11 Easy Steps

Learning how to dive in volleyball is an essential technique that each of the players on court should possess. Not only does it save points, but it also adds a level of intensity to your game. A successful dive can be the difference between a missed point and a game-winning play. Have you ever wondered how some of the volleyball players seem to dive effortlessly and save the ball from hitting the ground? Well, it’s because of practice, practice, and practice.

Not just diving is important, what about serving? Checkout this guide on how to overhand serve in volleyball.

What is a Dive in Volleyball?

What is a dive in volleyball, exactly? You may have heard this term being thrown around during volleyball games but are still unsure what it means. A dive in volleyball refers to a defensive move where a player dives to the ground to save the ball from hitting the floor. It is a skill that can distinguish between winning or losing a point. 

How to Dive in Volleyball?

Now that we know what is a dive in volleyball? Let’s dive right into how to dive in volleyball perfectly. You already know it’s a move that can mean the difference between winning and losing a point, so let’s get started! It’s a technique that requires precision, focus, and quick reflexes. Let’s get into how to dive in volleyball.

Ready Position

To start, make sure you’re in the proper ready position – feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and weight on the balls of your feet. This will give you the stability and flexibility you need to move quickly and efficiently.

Read the Hitter

As you’re watching the hitter, anticipate the direction of the ball. This gives you a better chance of getting in the right position to execute the dive.

Position Yourself

Next, take a step or two in the direction of the ball to position yourself. This will help you get into the right spot to make the dive.

Planting Your Feet

When you’re in position, plant your non-dominant foot and extend your dominant foot behind you. This will give you a stable base to work from and allow you to launch yourself forward when you dive.

Extending Your Arms

As you’re getting ready to dive, extend your arms in front of you with your palms facing down. This helps maintain your balance and gives you a larger surface area to contact the ball.

Focus on the Ball

Keep your eyes on the ball and focus on making contact with your arms, helping you make clean contact and control the ball better.

Absorb the Impact

As you reach the ball, bend your elbows and allow your arms to absorb the impact. This reduces the very  force of the impact and minimizes the risk of injury.

Following Through

Follow through with your dive by allowing your body to roll onto your side. This will give you the momentum you need to get back up quickly.

Keep Your Head Up

Throughout the dive, keep your head up and make sure to keep your eyes on the ball. This will help you stay aware of your surroundings and make a quick recovery.

Recover Quickly

Once you’ve made contact with the ball and completed the dive, it’s crucial to recover quickly. Push off the ground with your feet to get back up quickly and get back into position for the next play.

Practice these steps regularly to improve your form and increase your chances of success. Still, trying to figure out how to dive in volleyball? Practice, practice, practice!

How to Practice Diving in Volleyball at Home?

Don’t have access to a court or a teammate to practice with? Fear not, because you can still work on your diving technique right from the comfort of your own home! So How to practice diving in volleyball at home? First and foremost, you need to understand the fundamentals of a dive in volleyball clearly. The diving motion involves:

  • Quickly moving your body towards the ball.
  • Making contact with your forearms.
  • Rolling onto your side to cushion your landing.

Once you have a basic understanding of the diving technique, you can start practicing the following drills:

  • Wall Dives: Find a flat, sturdy wall and stand about a meter away from it. Toss the ball against the wall and practice diving to make contact with the ball. This drill will help you work on your timing and accuracy.
  • Carpet Dives: Place a carpet or a mat on the floor and practice diving onto it. This drill will help you get used to landing on the ground and rolling onto your side.
  • Shadow Dives: Stand in front of a mirror or a reflective surface and practice your diving technique without a ball. This drill will help you identify flaws in your approach and make necessary adjustments.

As we wrap up this guide on how to dive in volleyball, remember that it takes practice to perfect this skill. Keep in mind the steps we have outlined, and don’t be afraid to ask for feedback from your coach or teammates. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, improving your diving technique can greatly enhance your game and contribute to your team’s success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is diving skill volleyball?

Diving is a  skill in volleyball that involves diving to the floor to make a save or a dig. It requires proper technique and form to execute safely and effectively. Both defensive and offensive players can use diving to keep the ball in play and ultimately win the game.

What is the proper way to dive in volleyball?

The proper way to dive in volleyball involves following steps that ensure your safety and success. These steps include starting in the ready position, reading the hitter and anticipating the direction of the ball, positioning yourself, planting your feet, extending your arms, focusing on the ball, absorbing the impact, following through with the dive, keeping your head up, and recovering quickly to get back in position for the next play.

How do you dive in volleyball without hurting your knees?

To dive in volleyball without hurting your knees, it’s crucial to maintain proper form and technique throughout the dive. This includes keeping your knees bent, rolling onto your side instead of landing on your knees, and wearing proper knee pads for added protection.

Do you want to improve your defensive skills? Checkout these 14 defensive volleyball drills.