5 Volleyball Blocking Drills + Special Tips

Volleyball blocking is a defensive technique used to stop the ball from going over the net. For this very reason below are 5 volleyball blocking drills that can help you while playing. The ability to block  impacts the outcome of a game. It requires both physical and mental preparation. These volleyball blocking drills are perfect for both beginners and advanced players. They will help you develop your footwork, timing, and technique. 

Blocking Drills for Volleyball:

The below blocking drills for volleyball are designed in way that will help you improve your skills. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, volleyball blocking drills enhances your blocking abilities and make you a formidable force on the court.

Single-Block Drill:

The single-block drill is a fantastic exercise among volleyball blocking drills to hone your individual blocking technique. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Start by positioning yourself near the net, ready to block.

  • Step 2: As the ball is set, quickly move laterally and establish a strong defensive stance.
  • Step 3: Jump explosively, extending your arms above the net, and form a solid block.
  • Step 4: Focus on timing your jump and reaching over the net to deny your opponent’s attack.
  • Step 5: Repeat this drill several times, alternating sides, and pay attention to your footwork, body position, and hand placement.

Double-Block Drill:

The double-block drill simulates a game scenario where you coordinate with a teammate to form an impenetrable wall at the net. Let’s dive into the steps:

  • Step 1: Position yourself alongside your partner, both ready to block.
  • Step 2: Communicate and synchronize your movements to anticipate the opponent’s attack.
  • Step 3: As the ball is set, move together laterally, maintaining proper spacing.
  • Step 4: Simultaneously jump, extending your arms to create a formidable double-block.
  • Step 5: Work on timing, coordination, and maintaining a strong defensive position throughout the drill.
  • Step 6: Repeat this drill, exchanging positions with your partner, and focus on seamless teamwork.

Free-Ball Blocking Drill:

In this volleyball blocking drill, we’ll practice blocking against free-balls, which are balls returned to your side without a proper attack. Follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Position yourself near the net, anticipating the incoming free-ball.
  • Step 2: Quickly react and move into a blocking stance as the ball approaches.
  • Step 3: Jump and time your block, aiming to redirect the ball back into the opponent’s court.
  • Step 4: Pay attention to your footwork, reaction time, and the accuracy of your blocks.
  • Step 5: Repeat this drill, varying the direction and height of the free-balls, to enhance your adaptability.

Target-Blocking Drill:

The target-blocking drill will help you improve your accuracy and precision while blocking. Here’s how you can incorporate this drill into your training routine:

  1. Set Up:
  • Find a partner or coach who can assist you in this drill.
  • Place a target, such as a cone or marker, on the opposing side of the net. The target should represent a specific area you want to aim for during your block.
  1. Execution:
  • Position yourself near the net, ready to block.
  • As the ball is set, focus on the hitter and anticipate their attack.
  • Jump explosively and extend your arms towards the net, aiming to block the ball towards the predetermined target.
  • Maintain proper body positioning, with your hands high and in front of you.
  • Repeat the drill multiple times, aiming for consistency and accuracy with your blocks.
  1. Variations:
  • Move the target to different areas of the court to simulate blocking different angles and shots.
  • Practice blocking against different types of hitters, such as outside hitters or middle blockers, to improve your adaptability.

Remember, the target-blocking drill is not just about physically blocking the ball. It also trains your focus, decision-making, and ability to execute precise blocks.

Overhead-Blocking Drill:

The overhead-volleyball blocking drill is perfect for improving your elevation and timing at the net.

  1. Set Up:
  • Position yourself near the net, facing the hitter.
  • Make sure you have enough space to perform a vertical jump without any obstacles.
  1. Execution:
  • Start in a ready position with your arms extended above your head.
  • As the ball is set, watch the hitter’s approach and timing.
  • Explosively jump off both feet, extending your arms overhead to block the ball at its highest point.
  • Focus on timing your jump to meet the ball at its peak.
  • Repeat the drill, working on your jump height and timing with each repetition.
  1. Tips:
  • Engage your core muscles to generate power and height during your jump.
  • Practice reaching over the net and maintaining a strong blocking position throughout the drill.
  • Incorporate quick footwork to react to different hitter angles and adjust your positioning accordingly.

Practicing the overhead-blocking drill will develop the ability to reach higher and block more effectively.

Keep in mind that these volleyball blocking drills  are meant to be practiced regularly, with a focus on technique and consistency. As you progress, you can increase the intensity and difficulty level. Challenge yourself, stay motivated, and watch your blocking skills soar to new heights. You may also want to check out the defensive volleyball drills that can help along with your volleyball blocking drills.

Tips for Blocking in Volleyball:

As you strive to become a blocker on the court, the fundamental skills are important. Here are some valuable tips that will help you improve your blocking technique. Also keep them in mind while doing volleyball blocking drills:

Get a Good Approach:

One of the key elements in successful blocking is having a strong approach. Here’s how you can enhance your approach:

  • Start by taking a few quick, explosive steps towards the net.
  • Maintain a balanced stance, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • As you approach the net, focus on gathering momentum and power through your legs.
  • Keep your body upright and engage your core muscles for stability.

Jump High:

To effectively block the ball, you need to maximize your vertical jump. Here’s how you can achieve greater height:

  • Bend your knees and load your leg muscles just before you jump.
  • Propel yourself upwards by pushing off forcefully with both feet.
  • Swing your arms upward to generate extra momentum.
  • Aim to jump at the peak of your timing, as this will allow you to reach higher above the net.

Extend Your Arms:

Proper arm extension is crucial for an effective block. Follow these steps to ensure you’re extending your arms correctly:

  • As you jump, reach your arms up towards the ball.
  • Keep your hands and fingers spread wide, creating a large surface area to block the ball.
  • Focus on maintaining a firm, but not rigid, wrist and hand position.
  • Aim to penetrate over the net, meeting the ball with your hands at their highest point.

Watch the Hitter’s Eyes:

The eyes can provide valuable cues about the hitter’s intentions. Paying attention to the hitter’s eyes can give you a split-second advantage. Here’s what to look for:

  • Direct your gaze towards the hitter’s eyes.
  • Observe their focus and direction of gaze.
  • Anticipate where the ball might be attacked based on their eye movements.
  • Use this information to position yourself and react quickly to block the ball effectively.

By incorporating these tips into your blocking technique and during volleyball blocking drills, you’ll see a significant improvement in your ability to disrupt the opponent’s attacks.

In Conclusion.

Blocking is a aspect of volleyball that can make a significant difference in the outcome of a game. With volleyball blocking drills  you can improve your skills and become an asset to your team.  Remember, it takes practice and patience to grasp any skill, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away.

In addition to the volleyball blocking drills and tips, it’s essential to have a positive attitude and believe in yourself. Visualize yourself making successful blocks and stay focused on your goal. Remember that every mistake is an opportunity to learn and improve. 

Read about setter in volleyball along with tips for setters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you practice blocking in volleyball?

Practicing blocking in volleyball is essential for improving your skills at the net. Here are a few key steps to incorporate into your training routine:

  1. Footwork and positioning: Start by focusing on your footwork and positioning.
  2. Timing and anticipation: Work on your timing and anticipation skills by studying your opponents’ hitting patterns. 
  3. Body control and arm positioning: Pay attention to your body control and arm positioning during blocking. 
  4. Repetition and drills: Practice volleyball blocking drills to enhance your technique. This will help you develop muscle memory and improve your reaction time. 

By incorporating these elements into your practice sessions, you’ll develop a solid foundation for effective blocking in volleyball.

How to do blocking drills?

Volleyball blocking drills are an excellent way to enhance your blocking skills in volleyball. Here’s a general approach to performing blocking drills:

  1. Warm up: Begin with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles for the drills. This can include light jogging, stretching, and dynamic movements.
  2. Drill selection: Choose the blocking drills that align with your skill level and focus areas. Refer to the volleyball blocking drills.
  3. Set up: Set up the drill area according to the specific requirements of each drill. Ensure you have a net, balls, and any other equipment necessary for the drill.
  4. Technique and form: Focus on proper technique and form throughout the drill. 
  5. Repetition and progression: Repeat the drill multiple times, gradually increasing the difficulty or intensity as you improve. 
  6. Evaluate and adjust: After each repetition, take a moment to evaluate your performance. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly. 

Remember to practice volleyball blocking drills regularly and consistently to see significant improvement in your blocking skills.

What are the 3 components of blocking?

Blocking in volleyball consists of three main components:

  1. Footwork and positioning: Proper footwork and positioning are essential for effective blocking. This component involves quickly moving laterally along the net, getting into the right position, and maintaining balance and stability.
  2. Timing and anticipation: Timing and anticipation play a crucial role in successful blocking. By observing the hitter’s movements and the trajectory of the ball, you can anticipate when and where to jump to block the attack effectively.
  3. Technique and execution: The technique and execution component involves using the correct form and mechanics during the block. This includes extending your arms above the net, penetrating into the opponent’s space, and making solid contact with the ball.

By focusing on these three components, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled blocker in volleyball.